International Conference on
Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications
ICECA 2024 (August 26-28, 2024)

Pervious Conferences: ICECA2022, ICECA2023.


Enumerative combinatorics is a dynamic subfield of the mathematical sciences with many challenging research problems, ingenious and sophisticated techniques, and important applications in various scientific fields. Questions from a broad range of areas, including algebra, topology, probability, computer science, physical, chemical and biological sciences, have some surprising hidden combinatorial structures that require enumerative methods for their solution. The aims of this conference are
  •  to highlight the recent significant theoretical advances in enumerative and analytic combinatorics;
  •  to showcase the important new applications of enumerative combinatorics to problems arising in other scientific disciplines;
  •  to discuss new questions, ideas, and methods of an enumerative nature from various scientific fields;
  •  to bring together researchers of various backgrounds and experience from several fields whose research utilizes or touches upon enumerative techniques.


Chair: Toufik Mansour University of Haifa
Co-chairs: Ron Adin Bar-Ilan University, Mark Dukes University College Dublin, Ilias Kotsireas Wilfrid Laurier University, Anna Melnikov University of Haifa, Armend Sh. Shabani University of Prishtina, Alek Vainshtein University of Haifa, Gökhan Yıldırım Bilkent University.

Final Program

First Day, August 26, 2024, 16:00-21:00 Israel time (IDT zone time)
      Log in time(15:00-15:50)
      Opening (15:50-16:00)
      Richard Stanley Massachusetts Institute of Technology
           Title: Some combinatorial aspects of cyclotomic polynomials, Abstract , Video (16:00-16:50)
      Mary Claire Simone University of California, Davis
           Title: The immersion poset on partitions, Abstract , Video (16:55-17:10)
      Margaret A. Readdy University of Kentucky
           Title: The Pizza theorem, Abstract, Video (17:15-18:05)
      Carol T. Zamfirescu Ghent University and Babeş-Bolyai University
           Title: On Hamiltonian regular graphs and two conjectures of Haythorpe, Abstract, Video (18:10-18:25)
      Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi National Institute of Informatics
           Title: Three-edge-coloring projective planar cubic graphs: A generalization of the Four Color Theorem, Abstract, Video (18:30-19:20)
      Mohsen Aliabadi University of California, San Diego
           Title: Matchings in matroids over abelian groups, Abstract, Video (19:25-19:40)
      Douglas B. West Zhejiang Normal University and University of Illinois
           Title: Sharp lower bounds for the number of maximum matchings in bipartite multigraphs, Abstract, Video (19:45-20:35)
      Diego Villamizar Universidad Sergio Arboleda
           Title: The combinatorics of Motzkin polyominoes, Abstract, Video (20:40-20:55)
      Closing first day (20:55-21:00)

Second Day, August 27, 2024, 16:00-21:00 Israel time (IDT zone time)
      Log in time(15:00-15:55)
      Opening (15:55-16:00)
      Victor Reiner University of Minnesota
           Title: Descents, peaks, and configuration spaces, Abstract , Video (16:00-16:50)
      Jing Liu Shandong University
           Title: Parity statistics on restricted permutations and the Catalan--Schett polynomials, Abstract , Video (16:55-17:10)
      Micha Sharir Tel Aviv University
           Title: Polynomial partitioning and its impact on combinatorial (and computational) geometry, Abstract, Video (17:15-18:05)
      Shushma Rani Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI)
           Title: Generalized k Chromatic polynomials and multiplicities of free root spaces of Borcherds-Kac-Moody (BKM) Lie superalgebras, Abstract, Video (18:10-18:25)
      Stephan Wagner Uppsala Universitet
           Title: Tree enumeration and tree statistics, Abstract, Video (18:30-19:20)
      Krishna Menon Chennai Mathematical Institute
           Title: Subsequence frequency in binary words, Abstract, Video (19:25-19:40)
      Alan Frieze Carnegie Mellon University
           Title: Sequentially constrained Hamilton cycles in random graphs, Abstract, Slides, Video (19:45-20:35)
      Jia Huang University of Nebraska
           Title: Associative-commutative spectra for some varieties of groupoids, Abstract, Video (20:40-20:55)
      Closing second day (20:55-21:00)

Third Day, August 28, 2024, 16:00-20:50 Israel time (IDT zone time)
      Log in time(15:00-15:55)
      Opening (15:55-16:00)
      Jaeseong Oh HCMC at KIAS
           Title: Exploring in science fiction: Macdonald intersection polynomials, shuffle theorem and beyond, Abstract, Video (16:00-16:50)
      Alexander Lazar Université Libre de Bruxelles
           Title: Shuffle theorems and sandpiles, Abstract, Video (16:55-17:10)
      Ilse Fischer University of Vienna
           Title: Alternating sign arrays and Littlewood-type identities, Abstract, Video (17:15-18:05)
      Jun Yan University of Warwick
           Title: A collection of sums over Catalan paths and its connection with some parking function enumeration problems, Abstract, Video (18:10-18:25)
      Steph van Willigenburg University of British Columbia
           Title: The (3+1)-free conjecture of chromatic symmetric functions, Abstract, Video (18:30-19:20)
      Tamar Friedmann Colby College
           Title: Counting conjugacy classes of elements of finite order in lie groups, Abstract, Video (19:25-19:40)
      Haoyue Zhu Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University,
           Title: The stochastic sandpile model on complete bipartite graphs, Abstract, Video (19:45-20:00)
      Closing third day (20:05-20:15)

Registration COMPLETED.

To register for the conference, please the conference's organizing committee chair, Toufik Mansour, at with the following :
  1. The subject line "ICECA-2024";
  2. Please include your name and surname in the new two lines;
  3. Please include your affiliation in a new line;
  4. If you want to present a contributed talk/contributed poster video at the conference, then in a new line, state this and attach an extended abstract of 4-5 pages (include the bibliography) on 12 size font. All submissions will receive full consideration. We encourage submissions from Ph.D. students and early career researchers. The conference will have space for 12 contributed talks and 12 contributed poster videos (each 15 minutes in length).

Registration will close at the end of June.

We will decide on the selection of contributed talks on middle of June (Submission Deadline: June 1, 2024)

There is no registration fee for the conference participants. Approximately one week before the conference, registered participants will receive an email with instructions on attending the virtual conference. Note that the official language of the conference is English.

Note: Please be aware that the conference is virtual, so be wary of any scam e-mails requesting assistance with travel and lodging concerns linked to the conference.

List of Participants (in alphabetical order)

  • Ron Adin
  • Mateus Alegri
  • Yasmeen Akhtar
  • Mohsen Aliabadi
  • Alnour Altoum
  • Margaret Archibald
  • Hasan Arslan
  • Shamil Asgarli
  • Andrei Asinowski
  • Josaphat Baolahy
  • Jean-Luc Baril
  • Margaret Bayer
  • Bényi Beáta
  • Deepu Benson
  • Juan S.C. Bernal
  • Riccardo Biagioli
  • Andreas Blass
  • Aubrey Blecher
  • Francesco Brenti
  • Tricia Brown
  • Alexander Burstein
  • Seok Byun
  • David Callan
  • Dipa Chakraborty
  • Gi-Sang Cheon
  • Ricky Chen
  • William Y.C. Chen
  • Xi Chen
  • Yen-Jen Cheng
  • Danai Deligeorgaki
  • Priyavrat Deshpande
  • Gabriella Deste
  • Abisek Dewan
  • Ali Dogan
  • Yao Dong
  • Rui Duarte
  • Mark Dukes
  • Srashti Dwivedi
  • Sergi Elizalde
  • Sen-Peng Eu
  • Ilse Fischer
  • Leonard Fowler
  • Tamar Friedmann
  • Alan Frieze
  • Shishuo Fu
  • Tung-Shan Fu
  • Nyul Gábor
  • Moritz Gangl
  • Shanzhen Gao
  • Juan B. Gil
  • Alain Goupil
  • Shuchita Goyal
  • Georges Grekos
  • Gabor Hetyei
  • Hui Huang
  • Jia Huang
  • Jihyeug Jang
  • Kathy Qing Ji
  • Muhammad T. Jillani
  • Woo-Seok Jung
  • Gil Kalai
  • Ezgi Kantarcı
  • Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi
  • Frether G. Kebede
  • Abey Kelil
  • Sergey Kirgizov
  • Arnold Knopfmacher
  • Ilias Kotsireas
  • Christoph Koutschan
  • Chudamani P. A. Kumar
  • Alexander Lazar
  • Hojoon Lee
  • Teresa Xueshan Li
  • Zhicong Lin
  • Feihu Liu
  • Jing Liu
  • Shi-Mei Ma
  • Madhushika Madduwe Hewalage
  • Yaakov Malinovsky
  • Ronit Mansour
  • David Marchant
  • Michael Matsko
  • Tamsen McGinley
  • Krishna Menon
  • Mircea Merca
  • Alec Mertin
  • Brian Miceli
  • Emanuele Munarini
  • Arnauld Mwafise
  • Philippe Nadeau
  • Beimar Naranjo
  • Surnam Narendra
  • Hiroshi Naruse
  • Niranjan Nehra
  • Tongyu Nian
  • Albert Nyariaro
  • Gábor Nyul
  • Jaeseong Oh
  • Isaac O. Okoth
  • Abigail Ollson
  • Leonard Paleta
  • Amrutha Parola
  • Lerna Pehlivan
  • Vasiliki Petrotou
  • Michaela Polley
  • Svetlana Poznanovikj
  • Helmut Prodinger
  • Vasiliy A. Prokhorov
  • Menghao Qu
  • Gabriella Rácz
  • Samrith Ram
  • Jose L. Ramirez
  • Samuel Ramirez-Ramos
  • Shushma Rani
  • Margaret A. Readdy
  • Victor Reiner
  • Yuval Roichman
  • Christian Romero
  • Diego V. Rubiano
  • Velmurugan S
  • Amir Safadi
  • Franco Saliola
  • Anne Schilling
  • Michael Schlosser
  • Matthias Schork
  • Florian Schreier-Aigner
  • Thomas Selig
  • Armend Sh. Shabani
  • Micha Sharir
  • Mark Shattuck
  • Amir Shoan
  • Mary C. Simone
  • Anurag Singh
  • Dorian Smith
  • Rebecca Smith
  • Sara Solhjem
  • K Somasundaram
  • Chunwei Song
  • Richard Stanley
  • Lidija Stanovnik
  • Sara Solhjem
  • Wei-Liang Sun
  • Sheila Sundaram
  • Edward Swartz
  • Hopein C. Tang
  • Akalu Tefera
  • Roger Tian
  • Mark Tiefenbruck
  • Shuhei Tsujie
  • Alek Vainshtein
  • Vincent Vajnovszki
  • Yegnan... Venkataraman
  • Stephan Wagner
  • Michael Wallner
  • David G.L. Wang
  • Elena L. Wang
  • Douglas West
  • Peter Winkler
  • Steph van Willigenburg
  • Chao Xu
  • Jun Yan
  • I. El Yassini
  • Yeong-Nan Yeh
  • Gökhan Yıldırım
  • Houyi Yu
  • Raphael Yuster
  • Gjergji Zaimi
  • Carol Zamfirescu
  • Doron Zeilberger
  • Jiang Zeng
  • Dax Tianxing Zhan
  • Haoyue Zhu