
A half-century ago enumerative combinatorics was considered to be mostly a collection of isolated results and methods, mainly originating with Euler. Since then enumerative combinatorics has been transformed into a rich and important research area in mathematics, partly due to its deep connections with other fields of research. The pioneering work of Stanley, especially the two-volume Enumerative Combinatorics, and the book of Flajolet and Sedgewick on Analytic Combinatorics (also, see the Handbook of Enumerative Combinatorics by Bóna and Combinatorial Enumeration by Goulden and Jackson), helped to shape and popularize the subject. Inspired in particular by these books, and more generally by the many fine papers in the subject, we introduce this Journal, Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications.

Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications (ECA) is a fully-refereed (peer reviewed) scientific electronic journal with very high standards, devoted to the publication of research articles of the highest quality. Therefore, the journal will consider only submissions that contain new insights/ideas/methods/concepts/bijections/applications related to enumeration. The journal covers research from the field of Enumerative Combinatorics as well as research resulting from the rich interplay between enumerations, applications, and other branches of mathematics and science.

The scope of ECA includes enumerative aspects of combinatorial structures and their connections to various areas of mathematics (linear algebra, probability theory, complex analysis, commutative algebra, representation theory, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology), physics, chemistry, computer science, etc. ECA publishes high quality full papers, reviews, surveys, historical papers and biographies of mathematicians. Our main objective is to help amplify the trend of high quality research in enumerative combinatorics by providing a medium dedicated to this exciting field of mathematics and making it publicly available and free of charge to all researchers (readers and authors) across the globe, that means there are no Article Processing Charges (APC).

ECA was founded in 2020, by Toufik Mansour and Armend Sh. Shabani. The online subscription to ECA is free. Full-text access to all papers is available for free. ECA journal is hosted at University of Haifa and Kosovar Mathematical Society. ECA is supported for covering Crossref and Annual Fee for years 2022-2023 by Kosovar Mathematical Society and for year 2024 by University of Haifa.

Publisher: University of Haifa, Department of Mathematics, Address of the publisher: 199 Abba Khoushy Ave, 3498838 Haifa, Israel.

The Abbreviation of the journal’s title is “Enumer. Combin. Appl.”.
The websites http://ecajournal.haifa.ac.il and https://ecajournal.kms-ks.org are copy of each another.

Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief Toufik Mansour, University of Haifa, Israel; tmansour@univ.haifa.ac.il
Managing Editors Mark Dukes, University College Dublin, Ireland, mark.dukes@ucd.ie and Armend Sh. Shabani, University of Prishtina, Republic of Kosova, armend.shabani@uni-pr.edu

Honorary Board

Noga Alon, Princeton University, USA and Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Gil Kalai, Hebrew University, Israel.
Michelle Wachs, University of Miami, USA.
Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University, USA.

Editorial Board

Ron Adin, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Eli Bagno, Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel. Jean-Luc Baril, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France. Alexander Burstein, Howard University, USA. Nenad Cakić, University of Belgrade, Serbia. David Callan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Gi-Sang Cheon, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. Chak-On Chow, Hong Kong. Mark Dukes, University College Dublin, Ireland. David Garber, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel. Qing-Hu Hou, Tianjin University, China. Alexander Kasprzyk, University of Nottingham, UK. Sergey Kitaev, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. Ilias Kotsireas, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. Arnold Knopfmacher, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Shi-Mei Ma, Northeast University At Qinhuangdao Campus, China. Yaakov Malinovsky, University of Maryland. Anna Melnikov, University of Haifa, Israel. Emanuele Munarini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Kieka Mynhardt, University of Victoria, Canada. Lara Pudwell, Valparaiso University, USA. Jose L. Ramirez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia. Yuval Roichman, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Michael J. Schlosser, University of Vienna, Austria. Matthias Schork, Germany. Mark Shattuck, University of Tennessee, USA. Rebecca Smith, SUNY Brockport University, USA. Chunwei Song, Peking University, China. Einar Steingrímsson, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. Christian Stump, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum. Alek Vainshtein, University of Haifa, Israel. Vincent Vajnovszki, Université de Bourgogne, France. Catherine Yan, Texas A&M University, USA. Sherry H.F. Yan, Zhejiang Normal University, China. Gökhan Yıldırım, Bilkent University, Turkey. Raphael Yuster, University of Haifa, Israel.

Volumes and issues

Volumes 1 - 4

Volume 5 Issue 1

Submission of Manuscript

Manuscripts should be written in English, prepared in LaTeX, and must be submitted as a PDF file in an email attachment to Editor-in-chief: tmansour@univ.haifa.ac.il

Within a week you will receive acknowledgment that your submission has been received.

Submitted manuscripts to ECA will be refereed according to the highest standards. Initially, to make sure the submitted manuscript complies with the quality standards of ECA, your manuscript will be first reviewed by some of the members of the Editorial Board. After that, the manuscript will be sent to at least one referee and we will contact you as soon as we receive their reports. The median time from submission to publication is 6 months. Thus, we ask kindly not to send questions about your manuscript if it has been under consideration for less than 6 months.

After a manuscript is accepted and the final version of the accepted paper is received, it will be published within a few days.

Notes: If your file is larger than 8 MB, contact the Editor-in-chief. Also, in case you did not receive an acknowledgment within a week, then again contact the Editor-in-chief.

When submitting a manuscript, the (corresponding) author, should make sure that the manuscript contains:
(1) Title of the manuscript. The title should be concise and indicate as clearly as possible the subject of the manuscript.
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(4) Keywords. Specify 2 to 5 keywords.
(5) Mathematics Subject Classification. Include one or more Math. Subj. Class. codes - see https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/msc/msc2020.html

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- The manuscript has not been previously published.
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Repository The authors can deposit their versions of manuscripts (not the one that includes ECA styles) in arXiv or in other repository pages.

Author Index

  • Antoine Abram,       On a Lemma of Schensted
  • Ayomikun Adeniran
          Pattern avoidance in parking functions
  • Per Alexandersson
          Peaks are preserved under run-sorting
  • Amal Alofi
          Parallelogram polyominoes and rectangular EW-tableaux: Correspondences through the Sandpile model
  • Aruzhan Amanbayeva
          The convex hull of parking functions of length n
  • Glenn D. Appleby
          Perforated tableaux in type An-1 crystal graphs and the RSK correspondence
  • Kassie Archer
          Pattern-restricted one-cycle permutations with a pattern-restricted cycle form
  • Ilani Axelrod-Freed
          312-Avoiding reduced valid hook configurations and duck words
  • Arvind Ayyer
          The number of inversions of permutations with fixed shape
  • Eli Bagno
          On the sparseness of the downsets of permutations via their number of separators
          Counting king permutations on the cylinder
  • Koustav Banerjee
          Positivity of the second shifted difference of partitions and overpartitions: a combinatorial approach
  • Naya Banerjee
          The number of inversions of permutations with fixed shape
  • Kiril Bangachev
          Enumerative and structural aspects of anagrams without fixed letters
  • Elena Barcucci
          Non-overlapping matrices via Dyck words
  • Jean-Luc Baril
          Transformation à la Foata for special kinds of descents and excedances
          Enumeration of partial Łukasiewicz paths
  • Marilena Barnabei
          Pattern avoiding alternating involutions
  • Kei Beauduin
          Old and new powerful tools for the normal ordering problem and noncommutative binomials.
  • Nikolai Beluhov
          One curious identity counting graceful labelings
          Snake paths in king and knight graphs
  • Beáta Bényi
          Poly-Cauchy numbers of the second kind - the combinatorics behind
  • Sudip Bera
          Combinatorialization of Sury and McLaughlin identities and general linear recurrences by a unified approach
  • François Bergeron
          Combinatorics of triangular partitions
  • Nantel Bergeron
          The Grőbner basis of a Catalan path ideal
  • Antonio Bernini
          Non-overlapping matrices via Dyck words
  • Stefano Bilotta
          Non-overlapping matrices via Dyck words
  • Flavio Bonetti
          Pattern avoiding alternating involutions
  • Ethan Borsh,
          Pattern-restricted one-cycle permutations with a pattern-restricted cycle form
  • Samuel Braunfeld
          Logical limit laws for layered permutations and related structures
  • Jensen Bridges
          Pattern-restricted one-cycle permutations with a pattern-restricted cycle form
  • Taylor Brysiewicz
          The degree of Stiefel manifolds
  • AJ Bu
          Automated counting of restricted Motzkin paths
  • Niccoló Castronuovo
          Pattern avoiding alternating involutions
  • William Y.C. Chen
          Breaking cycles, the odd versus the even
  • Douglas M. Chen
          Permutation invariant parking assortments
  • Yuji Choi
          Highly sorted permutations with respect to a 312-avoiding stack
  • Yunseo Choi
          Highly sorted permutations with respect to a 312-avoiding stack
  • Chak-On Chow
          New proofs of interlacing of zeros of Eulerian polynomials. III
  • Laura Colmenarejo
          Counting k-Naples parking functions through permutations and the k-Naples area statistic
  • Michael Coopman
          An equidistribution involving invisible inversions
  • Sylvie Corteel
          Partitions with constrained ranks and lattice paths
  • Dennis E. Davenport
          An invitation to the Riordan group
  • Kristina Dedndreaj
          On the activities and partitions of the vertex subsets of graphs
  • Colin Defant
          Highly sorted permutations and Bell numbers
  • Priyavrat Deshpande
          A combinatorial statistic for labeled threshold graphs
          A branch statistic for trees: interpreting coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of braid deformations
  • Emeric Deutsch
          The degree of asymmetry of sequences
  • Hiranya Kishore Dey
          q-Enumeration of type B and type D Eulerian polynomials based on parity of descents
  • Robert G. Donnelly
          Sign-alternating Gibonacci Polynomials
  • Theo Douvropoulos
          Hurwitz numbers for reflection groups I: generatingfunctionology
  • Gérard H. E. Duchamp
          Hausdorff moment problem for combinatorial numbers of Brown and Tutte: exact solution
  • Andrzej Dudek
          Largest bipartite sub-matchings of a random ordered matching or a problem with socks
  • Mark Dukes
          Parallelogram polyominoes and rectangular EW-tableaux: Correspondences through the Sandpile model
  • Molly W. Dunkum
          Sign-alternating Gibonacci Polynomials
  • Richard Ehrenborg
          Catalan--Spitzer permutations
    Generating functions for the cd-indices of simplices and cubes
  • Estrella Eisenberg
          On the sparseness of the downsets of permutations via their number of separators
          Counting king permutations on the cylinder
  • Shalosh B. Ekhad (Computer)
          There are EXACTLY 149380...9556 Ways to Derange a Standard Deck of Cards (Ignoring Suits) [and Many Other Such Useful Facts]
  • Jennifer Elder
          On graphs of sets of reduced words
  • Sergi Elizalde
          The degree of asymmetry of sequences
          Partitions with constrained ranks and lattice paths
  • Rebecca Embar
          Counting condorcet
  • William Q. Erickson
          The sum of width-one tensors
  • Eldar Fischer
          Counting finite topologies
  • Spencer J. Franks
          Counting parking sequences and parking assortments through permutations
  • Shakuan K. Frankson
          An invitation to the Riordan group
  • Nicholas Ercolani
          Non-recursive counts of graphs on surfaces
  • Shishuo Fu
          Rooted quasi-Stirling permutations of general multisets
  • Markus Fulmek
          Generating functions of Lozenge tilings for hexagonal regions via nonintersecting lattice paths
  • Christian Gaetz
          Curious cyclic sieving on increasing tableaux
  • Shiliang Gao
          The Kostka semigroup and its Hilbert basis
  • Yibo Gao
          Tree snumeration polynomials on separable permutations
  • Fulvio Gesmundo
          The degree of Stiefel manifolds
  • Juan B. Gil
          Restricted Grassmannian permutations
  • Marcel K. Goh
          On the homology of several number-theoretic set families
  • Katarzyna Górska
          Hausdorff moment problem for combinatorial numbers of Brown and Tutte: exact solution
  • Christina Graves
          Pattern-restricted one-cycle permutations with a pattern-restricted cycle form
  • Carla Groenland
          The lengths for which bicrucial square-free permutations exist
  • Jonathan L. Gross
          Enumerating graph embeddings and partial-duals by genus and Euler genus
  • Jarosław Grytczuk
          Largest bipartite sub-matchings of a random ordered matching or a problem with socks
  • Petros Hadjicostas
          On the number of bracelets whose co-periods divide a given integer
  • Pamela E. Harris
          Counting k-Naples parking functions through permutations and the k-Naples area statistic
          On the outcome map of MVP parking functions: Permutations avoiding 321 and 3412, and Motzkin paths
          Counting parking sequences and parking assortments through permutations
          Permutation invariant parking assortments
  • Kimberly J. Harry
          Counting parking sequences and parking assortments through permutations
  • Graeme Henrickson
          A cyclic sieving phenomenon for symplectic tableaux
  • Orli Herscovici
          Harary polynomials
  • Gàbor Hetyei
          Catalan--Spitzer permutations
  • Takayuki Hibi
          The regularity and $h$-polynomial of Cameron-Walker graphs
  • Brian Hopkins
          Euler's Enumerations
          Refining Blecher and Knopfmacher's integer partition fixed points
  • Sam Hopkins
          Combinatorial reciprocity for non-intersecting paths
  • Su Ji Hong
          Combinatorics for certain skew tableaux, Dyck paths, triangulations, and dissections
  • Andrzej Horzela
          Hausdorff moment problem for combinatorial numbers of Brown and Tutte: exact solution
  • Jia Huang
          Associative-commutative spectra for some varieties of groupoids
  • Murray L. Huber
          Sign-alternating Gibonacci Polynomials
  • Millie Jeske
          Pattern-restricted one-cycle permutations with a pattern-restricted cycle form
  • Caleb Ji
          Brussels sprouts, noncrossing trees, and parking functions
  • Tom Johnston
          The lengths for which bicrucial square-free permutations exist
  • Zakiya Jones
          Counting k-Naples parking functions through permutations and the k-Naples area statistic
  • Frether Getachew Kebede
          Parity alternating permutations starting with an odd integer
  • Brian M. Kamau
          On the outcome map of MVP parking functions: Permutations avoiding 321 and 3412, and Motzkin paths
  • Nathan Kaplan
          The expected embedding dimension, type and weight of a numerical semigroup
  • Hemanshu Kaul
          The DP color function of clique-gluings of graphs
  • Christo Keller
          Counting k-Naples parking functions through permutations and the k-Naples area statistic
  • Tanya Khovanova
          Ending states of a special variant of the chip-firing algorithm
  • Joshua Kiers
          The Kostka semigroup and its Hilbert basis
  • Kyouko Kimura
          The regularity and $h$-polynomial of Cameron-Walker graphs
  • Sergey Kirgizov
          Transformation à la Foata for special kinds of descents and excedances
  • Sergey Kitaev
          The combinatorics of Jeff Remmel
  • Grant Kopitzke
          The Gini index in the representation theory of the general linear group
  • Christoph Koutschan
          There are EXACTLY 149380...9556 Ways to Derange a Standard Deck of Cards (Ignoring Suits) [and Many Other Such Useful Facts]
  • Yujia Kang
    On Friendship and Cyclic Parking Functions
  • Lee Knupp
          Sign-alternating Gibonacci Polynomials
  • Jan Kretschmann
          Counting parking sequences and parking assortments through permutations
          The sum of width-one tensors
  • Matthew Kukla
          Logical limit laws for layered permutations and related structures
  • Masamichi Kuroda
         The characteristic quasi-polynomials of hyperplane arrangements over residually finite Dedekind domains
  • Gilbert Labelle
          The mathematical life of Pierre Leroux
  • Tri Lai
          Ratio of tiling generating functions of semi-hexagons and quartered hexagons with dents
          Errata: ``Ratio of Tiling Generating Functions of Semi-hexagons and Quartered Hexagons with Dents" (ECA 2:1 (2022) Article \#S2R5)
  • Joceline Lega
          Non-recursive counts of graphs on surfaces
  • Erkko Lehtonen
          Associative-commutative spectra for some varieties of groupoids
  • Joel Brewster Lewis
          Hurwitz numbers for reflection groups I: generatingfunctionology
  • Rupert Li
          Vincular pattern avoidance on cyclic permutations
  • Runqiao Li
          Schmidt type partitions
  • Teresa Xueshan Li
          Some linear transformations on symmetric functions arising from a Formula of Thiel and Williams
  • Yanlin Li
          Rooted quasi-Stirling permutations of general multisets
  • William Linz
          s-Catalan numbers and Littlewood-Richardson polynomials
  • Siyu Liu
          Tree snumeration polynomials on separable permutations
  • John Machacek
          Lattice walks ending on a coordinate hyperplane avoiding backtracking and repeats
  • Johann A. Makowsky
          Harary polynomials
          Counting finite topologies
  • Kostas Manes
          Bijections for Dyck paths with colored hills.
  • Kazunori Matsuda
          The regularity and $h$-polynomial of Cameron-Walker graphs
  • Michael Maxfield
          The DP color function of clique-gluings of graphs
  • Mikhail Mazin
          Combinatorics of triangular partitions
  • Douglas M. McKenna
          Fibbinary zippers in a monoid of toroidal Hamiltonian cycles that generate Hilbert-style square-filling curves
  • Anthony Mendes
          The combinatorics of Jeff Remmel
  • Krishna Menon
          A combinatorial statistic for labeled threshold graphs
          Pattern avoidance and dominating compositions
          A branch statistic for trees: interpreting coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of braid deformations
  • Xavier Mootoo
          The Grőbner basis of a Catalan path ideal
  • Alejandro H. Morales
          Hurwitz numbers for reflection groups I: generatingfunctionology
  • J. Carlos Martínez Mori
          On the outcome map of MVP parking functions: Permutations avoiding 321 and 3412, and Motzkin paths
          Permutation invariant parking assortments
  • Lili Mu
          Some linear transformations on symmetric functions arising from a Formula of Thiel and Williams
  • Jeffrey A. Mudrock
          The DP color function of clique-gluings of graphs
  • Sajal Mukherjee
          Counting on matrices
  • Sanjay Mukherjee
          Counting on matrices
  • Shashikant Mulay
          Semi-invariants of binary forms and symmetrized graph-monomials
  • Henri Mühle
          Refined lattice path enumeration and combinatorial reciprocity
  • Olivia Nabawanda
          Peaks are preserved under run-sorting
  • George D. Nasr
          Combinatorics for certain skew tableaux, Dyck paths, triangulations, and dissections
  • Gidon Orelowitz
          The Kostka semigroup and its Hilbert basis
  • Eric J. Pabón-Cancel
          Permutation invariant parking assortments
  • Qiongqiong Pan
          Enumerating colored permutations by the parity of descent positions
  • Jay Pantone
          The enumeration of inversion sequences avoiding the patterns 201 and 210
  • Oliver Pechenik
          Curious cyclic sieving on increasing tableaux
  • Karol A. Penson
          Hausdorff moment problem for combinatorial numbers of Brown and Tutte: exact solution
  • Ross G. Pinsky
          A view from the bridge spanning combinatorics and probability
  • Renzo Pinzani
          Non-overlapping matrices via Dyck words
  • Olga Postnova
          Counting filter restricted paths in ℤ2 lattice
  • Svetlana Poznanović
          Descent polynomials for labeled trees
  • Helmut Prodinger
          Retakh's Motzkin paths and some combinatorial comments
          Philippe Flajolet's early work in combinatorics
          Enumeration of partial Łukasiewicz paths
          k-Non-crossing trees and edge statistics modulo k
  • James Propp
          Brussels sprouts, noncrossing trees, and parking functions
  • Lara Pudwell
          Pattern avoidance in parking functions
  • Vsevolod Rakita
          Harary polynomials
  • Fanja Rakotondrajao
          Parity alternating permutations starting with an odd integer
  • José L. Ramírez
          Poly-Cauchy numbers of the second kind - the combinatorics behind
  • Margaret Readdy
          Catalan--Spitzer permutations
  • Shulamit Reches
          On the sparseness of the downsets of permutations via their number of separators
          Counting king permutations on the cylinder
  • Christophe Reutenauer,       On a Lemma of Schensted
  • Andrés Ramos Rodríguez
          Counting k-Naples parking functions through permutations and the k-Naples area statistic
  • Maria Rodriguez Hertz
          Descent polynomials for labeled trees
  • Martin Rubey
          An equidistribution involving invisible inversions
  • Andrzej Ruciński
          Largest bipartite sub-matchings of a random ordered matching or a problem with socks
  • Jonah Saks
          On the homology of several number-theoretic set families
  • Gabriel Sargent
          Permutation invariant parking assortments
  • Carla Savage
          Partitions with constrained ranks and lattice paths
  • Matthias Schork
          Recent developments in combinatorial aspects of normal ordering
  • Alfred Schreiber
          Inverse relations and reciprocity laws involving partial Bell polynomials and related extensions
          On the formal power series of involutory functions
  • Thomas Selig
          On Friendship and Cyclic Parking Functions
  • Umesh Shankar
          q-Enumeration of type B and type D Eulerian polynomials based on parity of descents
  • Louis W. Shapiro
          An invitation to the Riordan group
  • Mark Shattuck
          A formula relating Bell polynomials and Stirling numbers of the first kind
          Subword patterns in smooth words
  • Wenle Shi
          Symmetric and asymmetric peaks or valleys in (partial) Dyck paths
  • Moriah Sigron
          On the sparseness of the downsets of permutations via their number of separators
          Counting king permutations on the cylinder
  • Matteo Silimbani
          Pattern avoiding alternating involutions
  • Anurag Singh
          A combinatorial statistic for labeled threshold graphs
          Pattern avoidance and dominating compositions
  • Deepesh Singhal
          The expected embedding dimension, type and weight of a numerical semigroup
  • Sivaramakrishnan Sivasubramanian
          q-Enumeration of type B and type D Eulerian polynomials based on parity of descents
  • Mark Skandera
          Generating functions for monomial characters of wreath products ℤ/dℤ≀ 𝕾_n
  • Dmitry Solovyev
          Counting filter restricted paths in ℤ2 lattice
  • Chunwei Song
          On combinatorial rectangles with minimum -discrepancy
  • George Spahn
          Automatic counting of generalized Latin rectangles and trapezoids
          Counting permutations where the difference between entries located r places apart can never be s (for any given positive integers r and s)
  • Richard P. Stanley
          Some linear transformations on symmetric functions arising from a Formula of Thiel and Williams
  • Einar Steingrímsson
          The history of the Gothenburg--Reykjavík--Strathclyde combinatorics group
  • Zachary Stier
          Dihedral sieving on cluster complexes
  • Anna Stokke
          A cyclic sieving phenomenon for symplectic tableaux
  • Jessica Striker
         Curious cyclic sieving on increasing tableaux
  • Eunice Sukarto
          Counting k-Naples parking functions through permutations and the k-Naples area statistic
  • Nathan Sun
          A complete enumeration of Ballot permutations avoiding sets of small patterns
  • Yidong Sun
          Symmetric and asymmetric peaks or valleys in (partial) Dyck paths
  • Joshua P. Swanson
         Curious cyclic sieving on increasing tableaux
  • Ioannis Tasoulas
          Bijections for Dyck paths with colored hills.
  • Bridget E. Tenner
          Forced perimeter in Elnitksy polygons
          Boolean intersection ideals of permutations in the Bruhat order
  • Seth Thomason
          The DP color function of clique-gluings of graphs
  • Roger Tian
          On the outcome map of MVP parking functions: Permutations avoiding 321 and 3412, and Motzkin paths
  • Brandon Tippings
          Non-recursive counts of graphs on surfaces
  • Peter Tittmann
          On the activities and partitions of the vertex subsets of graphs
  • Jessica A. Tomasko
          Restricted Grassmannian permutations
  • Shuhei Tsujie
         The characteristic quasi-polynomials of hyperplane arrangements over residually finite Dedekind domains
  • Thomas W. Tucker
          Enumerating graph embeddings and partial-duals by genus and Euler genus
  • Adam Van Tuyl
          The regularity and $h$-polynomial of Cameron-Walker graphs
  • Eleni Tzanaki
          Refined lattice path enumeration and combinatorial reciprocity
  • Solomon Valore-Caplan
          Descent polynomials for labeled trees
  • Megan Vance
          Counting parking sequences and parking assortments through permutations
  • Andrés R. Vindas-Meléndez
          Counting k-Naples parking functions through permutations and the k-Naples area statistic
  • Vedarth Vyas
          The Grőbner basis of a Catalan path ideal
  • Danielle Wang
          The convex hull of parking functions of length n
  • Rich Wang
          Ending states of a special variant of the chip-firing algorithm
  • Julian Wellman
          Dihedral sieving on cluster complexes
  • Xiangdong Wen
          A symmetric chain decomposition of L(5,n)
  • David Wichmann
          Descent polynomials for labeled trees
  • Max Wiebe
          A cyclic sieving phenomenon for symplectic tableaux
  • Tamsen Whitehead
          Perforated tableaux in type An-1 crystal graphs and the RSK correspondence
  • Leon C. Woodson
          An invitation to the Riordan group
  • Janabel Xia
          Deterministic stack-sorting for set partitions
  • Chao Xu
          Enumerating colored permutations by the parity of descent positions
  • Zixuan Xu
          Dihedral sieving on cluster complexes
  • Jun Yan
          Results on pattern avoidance in parking functions
  • Guanyi Yang
    On Friendship and Cyclic Parking Functions
  • Bowen Yao
          On combinatorial rectangles with minimum -discrepancy
  • Ae Ja Yee
          Schmidt type partitions
  • Alexander Yong
          The Kostka semigroup and its Hilbert basis
  • Gjergji Zaimi
          Combinatorial reciprocity for non-intersecting paths
  • Doron Zeilberger
          There are EXACTLY 149380...9556 Ways to Derange a Standard Deck of Cards (Ignoring Suits) [and Many Other Such Useful Facts]
          Automatic counting of generalized Latin rectangles and trapezoids
          Counting condorcet
          Counting permutations where the difference between entries located r places apart can never be s (for any given positive integers r and s)
  • Jiang Zeng
          Enumerating colored permutations by the parity of descent positions
  • Yanting Zhang
    On Friendship and Cyclic Parking Functions
  • Di Zhao
          Symmetric and asymmetric peaks or valleys in (partial) Dyck paths
  • Haoyue Zhu
    On Friendship and Cyclic Parking Functions
  • Jean-Bernard Zuber,       Counting partitions by genus. I. Genus 0 to 2

  • Interviews in ECA

    Usually, we decide which person we want to interview. Sometimes we are advised to interview some well-known researchers in combinatorics. For example, Stanley suggested interviewing Knuth! (and some others.)
    How do we make it? We have a list of (almost) similar questions to all mathematicians we interview. We screen the page, papers, history etc, related to the person we interview, and on our judgment, we ask specific questions (which could take several days). We never do tricks of asking the same questions. However, we do not exclude the possibility of a similar question being asked before.
    After fixing the file of the questions, we ask the interviewee to fill in by writing all the questions (the interviewee has the right not to answer all the questions) in his/her suitable time. When we at ECA receive the file with the answers, do the following procedure:
    (1) Making the style of the journal by adding a profile picture that is fixed by the interviewee. Sometimes some questions and some answers are removed to make the interview more interesting and less repeated. During editing, we usually suggest some footnotes (references/links) to clarify the text to the readers.
    (2) Our language team, makes proofreading the interview and prepares the final version (this could take a few days).
    (3) After all, the file will be sent to the interviewee, for his proof. There could be more than one round. In this step, always we ask the interviewee to agree with "This is to confirm that I do agree that the article (including the photos and figures) with the interview I had with Toufik Mansour for ECA is licensed and released under the CC BY-ND LICENSE; CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE".

    Interview Index

    Karim Adiprasito, Michael Albert, Noga Alon, George E. Andrews, Edward A. Bender, Francesco Brenti, David Conlon, Maria Chudnovsky, Alan Frieze, Ira Gessel, Larry Guth, Gil Kalai, Gyula O. H. Katona, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Don Knuth, Brendan McKay, Igor Pak, Greta Panova, Peter Paule, Tomaž Pisanski, Helmut Prodinger, Andrei Raigorodskii, Amitai Regev, Victor Reiner, Bruce Sagan, Carla D. Savage, Anne Schilling, Jeffrey Shallit, Micha Sharir, Joel Spencer, Richard P. Stanley, Einar Steingrímsson, Volker Strehl, Benny Sudakov, Xavier Viennot, Van Vu, Douglas West, Stuart Whittington, Lauren K. Williams, Doron Zeilberger, Yufei Zhao